One general rule seems to be shaping up, at least in this country:
Right-wing terrorists kill people. Left-wing terrorists destroy or disrupt property.
While the Federales, from the FBI to the Army, have wasted no effort to try and make sure that the Quakers cause no trouble, it is the lunatics on the Right who are killing people. Yet when the DBP released a report about Right-wing extremism, the Wingnuts went off the rails in their outrage. Janet Napolitation, the Secretary of the DBP, was forced to backwater and apologize. That report doesn't look so nutty now, does it??
When even Fox News is now starting to show qualms at the hate they have ginned up, we are in a scary place.
(Before you start citing specific cases to dispute my point, do yourself a favor and look up the definition of a "general rule" before you hit the comment link.)
Small Talk, Big Trouble
27 minutes ago
Mr. Smith is surprisingly rational for being on Faux News. I suspect his days there are numbered.
There was an interesting point there about the right wing blogs. "They" are indeed feeding each other repetitions of lies in the blogosphere echo chamber, getting more and more worked up. I used to argue with a certain right-wing blogger, but gave up with the incredibly close-minded attitude.
I don't know. The factionalism seems to have gone non-linear. Do we see such self-amplifying opinions on the left? I don't think so. We tend to be too skeptical and argumentative.
Sarah, reality and facts tend to tilt leftward. Only in the echo chambers can some of their stuff survive - contact with reality and fact is like kryptonite, except for some on the extreme end who 'know' how the world really works, facts be darned.
Or as Stephen Colbert explained, when talking about why a good right-winger like himself did not need to worry about facts but only "truthiness" (the "facts" that "originate in the gut"), "facts have a liberal bias." No need to worry about facts if you're a good right-winger like Colbert, trust your gut! Colbert is a lot funnier when he explains it though (and yes, I know Colbert is only pretending to be a right-winger, but it's still true :-).
- Badtux the Fact-based Penguin
i dont trust fox to the right thing for one minute. hannity comes on 2 seconds later and barely mentions the holocaust museum......
it is still pure propaganda
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