Kodak is discontinuing Kodachrome. It has been in production for over 70 years. Digital killed it, for the main market was to professionals and they almost all shifted to digital early on.
I was sort of serious about photography in my teens and early 20s. Kodachrome was what the pros and serious amateurs shot, even though it was the one film that could not be developed at home (you could develop black & white and Ektachrome). It really did the best job in rendering colors. It came in ASA 25 and 64; if you wanted to take photos of moving objects, you learned how to pan and to follow through. I probably shot well over a thousand slides of it (and I still have most of them).
I haven't used any in decades, though, so while I won't miss Kodachrome, its discontinuance makes me feel like a bit of a dinosaur.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
Just another item to the list of things you can date yourself with - like glass soda bottles, green stamps, and only four channels to pick from on TV (ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS)
Another great thing about it, I was digitizing some 50 year old slides. The Kodachrome slides were perfect, color, brightness. The Ektachrome slides had faded and washed out. Both stored in the same box. So if you have Ektachrome slides (I've got a bunch as I developed them myself, poor student then...) digitize them now before they fade.
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