I suspect that the conservatives have lost their collective minds with their "tea-bag" protests.
A little history is in order: Part of the reason for the American Revolution was that Parliament imposed taxes on the colonies; the colonists had no say in either the amount of taxes or what was taxed. "No taxation without representation" and "taxation without representation is tyranny" were not protests against taxation, they were protests against not having a say in the process.
A good example of someone who is unclear on the concept is Congresswoman Michelle Bachman (R-Crazyland), who said last week: "I just wondered that if our fathers thought taxation without representation was bad, what would they think of taxation with representation." The answer, of course, is that the Founding Fathers would have said that was what they were fighting for.
If the Bachmann quote is evidence of the level of understanding of both representative government and American history that now exists in the Republican party, you conservatives would be well advised to get rid of all of those clowns and start a new party. I really do think that Ross Perot was a couple of decades ahead of his time. We need a new conservative party in this country, one that is not beholden to the know-nothing idiots now running the GOP. We need a new conservative party that does not have, as its de facto head, a man who has never held elective office and whose sole talent is uttering racist and hateful remarks into a radio microphone.
Yes, I consider myself to be a liberal. But I am an American first and I view one party rule, regardless of which party it is, as destructive in the long term and inherently evil. So I really do want you conservatives to get your shit together.
I'd argue that we currently have taxation without representation, because as far as I can see, no matter which party has the reins, they could give fuck-all for what We the People think or say. The basic message from DC is, "Fuck you -- we'll do as we please whether you like it or not."
The Repubs ignored the fuck out of us when it came to the war and finances. The Dems are currently doing the same.
I think we need an Augean Stables-style clean-out of Washington.
HA,HA, Do you think any one of those brain dead racist homophobes know the meaning of "Tea- Bag" in sexual slang, would love to see the look on their face when they find out.
Insaneredneck, I kind of doubt it. The mental image alone of some of the "prominent conservatives" engaged in tea-bagging is enough to get me to drink heavily.
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