I know, one would think that the party of Hoover, which prides itself on being "strong on crimes" and such noise would be all in favor of legislation to hold abusers of children accountable for their actions.
But you'd be wrong to think that.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
Interesting that the NYCLU is siding with the republicans on this. Anything organization ending with "CLU" don't usually see eye-to-eye with the republicans.
Dear Care for Nature:
Unless you want me to start advocating paving over the planet, go spam another blog.
Also, CEBM, all this wrangling is over financial settlements---not unimportant, but hardly full justice.
Why no talk of jail time for all these pedophiles?
Can you imagine any other large organization having such a systemic problem retaining so much credibility? Heck if the same relative number of teachers or lawyers or librarians or policepeople etc etc were found to be pedophiles, the general public would be organizing lynch mobs for all members of said profession. But the priests, they just get 'transferred'. To fresh places so that they can get some variety I presume. Makes me sick. I'll believe that the church has any intention of making things right when they round up the lot of these sick bastards and sends them to jail.
It's not Republicans standing up for sexual predators, it's simply Republicans trying to stop bad legislation, and even a Democrat understands that.
Assemblyman Vito J. Lopez, a Brooklyn Democrat, introduced an alternative bill last month that would eliminate the proposed one-year suspension of the statute of limitations. Under his measure, the window for filing claims would be extended to seven years after the accuser turns 18, rather than the 10 years in Assemblywoman Markey’s bill.
Though he voted for her bill twice in past sessions, he said he had not realized the inequities in the new law until after a series of meetings he held in recent months.
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