Fuck you. No, seriously, go fuck yourselves.
You are not winning any friends by spamming blogs to promote your pet cause. None at all. In fact, you are making enemies. If you come by again and ask me what I'm going to do to support "Planet Millisecond" (my paraphrase of your cause), I will tell you that I will pledge to collect a large truckload of old car tires, dump them on your front lawn, pour dioxin and gasoline over them and set them on fire.
In order to deal with your spam, I have re-enabled word verification. I will go to full moderation if I have to.
So fuck you, your supporters, and the horses you rode in on.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
27 minutes ago
So THAT'S what those weird comments I've been getting are! Sheesh, I'm sick of spam and people who send it. I can't believe that even 1% of it is effective in getting a positive response, so why do they keep it up?
Good on you. I'll help you pile shit in their yard. Just love a good bonfire.
We're getting ready to move. I have two sofas that I can move off of my lawn and onto theirs.
I am not kidding.
I can offer a third sofa.
The reason they do this is because it costs them nothing, and it's always possible that they'll hook someone. I have the word verification turned on and any comments on articles older than 14 days go into moderation. I have very few spam problems.
Sadly, this does seem to be necessary. As long as I can read the blasted captchas I'm OK with it.
If you come by again and ask me what I'm going to do to support "Planet Millisecond" (my paraphrase of your cause), I will tell you that I will pledge to collect a large truckload of old car tires, dump them on your front lawn, pour dioxin and gasoline over them and set them on fire.
HAHAHAHAH! Don't piss off Comrade EBM!
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