Tom Daschle should not be confirmed. He was on the Senate Finance Committee, the committee which is responsible for writing the Internal Revenue Code. the "I didn't get no stinking 1099" is a lame excuse; anyone with a passing familiarity would know that if you get a service provided to you as part of your job, that is taxable.
But because he is a past member of the Senate's Good Ol' Boys Club," they'll confirm him even though if you or I had done the same thing, not only would we not be in line for a Federal job, we'd be lucky to avoid a stint in Club Fed.
This is bullshit. It lends credence to the argument of the cynics that the differences between the Democratic and Republican parties is little more than eyewash.
Hot Waxing On About The New Hire
1 hour ago
No, they won't, as you probably know by now. They won't confirm him. He has asked that his name be withdrawn.
Good. Get our own house in order. It's a drag to have to go through this, but would even the most die-hard democrat (that would be me) want someone who was stupid enough to say stuff like this? Or not pay the Nanny tax? Just unbelievable.
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