[The Asswipe Who attacked Mr. Pelosi] is a Canadian citizen who legally entered the United States in 2000 but has stayed long after his visa expired, according to a U.S. official who was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.
A fucking Canadian-- what, exactly, is his dog in the American political fight? He's not a citizen, he's not a premanent resident, he can't vote, he's here illegally.
But what he is, is a foreign political terrorist.
Ship his ass to Gitmo.
Like the Irish a generation ago, illegal Canadians is pretty widespread.
Things keep warming up, Canada will be forced to relax its strict No American immigration policy. Like Siberia, there's a lot of good developable land up there. And water.
You won't stop the migrations, they can't be stopped ...
As a Canadian, I do have to sheepishly declare that not all our exports are good ones.
Justin Bieber, for example.
But this guy grew up in a small town up the coast from me, and while his family hasn't heard from him in over 20 years apparently he was not crazy when he left.
Or at least not crazy in the same way as now; his metier was making hemp jewelry, he left to be with a woman in San Francisco and he was involved in organized nudism (you can appreciate that this has been in all the local papers up here, so I know more than I need to about this).
There are right wing nut jobs in Canada too. And here in the U.S.one of those can easily access a lot of material for their confirmation bias. Like most laws the !st Amendment can be good for most people but bad when people abuse that freedom for their own purposes.
Nah, after congress seats all the new thugs, they'll 1) Impeach Biden) 2)Reinstall trump by proclamation, 3) Pardon everyone charged with hate crimes against democrats. Then they can get to work.
In response to Brian's comment, Are the nudists organized as in having a Union? If so I have a little experience in negotiating contracts.....
The asshole who attacked Mr. Pelosi is also being charged with state crimes, so he isn’t going anywhere for a very long time.
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