There are two transgendered kids playing sports in Maine. Two.
The Felon has mobilized six Federal agencies to try to stop them. Six.
There are ten or fewer transgendered kids playing college sports. But that is enough to get the GOP, the Demented Old Criminal and the Christian Taliban up in full hue and cry.
In West Viginia, the GOP came within an eyelash of allowing school officials to have doctors inspect the genitals of kids without parental consent. It could have been called the Jeffrey Epstein/Donald Trump Pussy Grope Law.
I can well recall the day when if there had been a proposal for schools to do any kind of genital inspection on kids without parental consent, Republicans would have been grabbing their AR-15s. But to catch one transgendered kid out of fifty thousand or so kids playing sports--- that's fine by them.
This is just insanity on a grand scale. No, scratch that. It's evil.
Friday happy dance
1 hour ago
I hear all this yelling about trans girls, what about trans boys?
I thought that was the case, seems like discrimination, smells like it too.
And my reptile of a governor says he's good with it.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
The Republicans just morphed their Southern Strategy into the Trans Strategy. When your policies suck then you have to find some scapegoat to point at as a distraction.
It worked for Hitler and for Nixon and the beat (down of marginalized people) goes on.
In 1994 I was refereeing a U-10 girls soccer match. At halftime the coach and two parents from one team approached me and said “We think that goalie…” “…is a boy.” I told them that they could complain to the league, if they desired. The coach then said “No, I want that player to go to the bathroom with this parent so we can check.” I just said “No” (I was in absolute shock they would even say that, let alone ask). They said they wouldn’t send their team back out.
I looked at these three maniacs and said “I’m blowing my whistle in (checks watch) eight minutes, and if your team doesn’t return to the field, you forfeit.” I then talked to the other coach to let him know and watched to make sure the parents of the two teams weren’t mixing/talking. When I blew the whistle, only one team returned to the field. I told the missing team’s coach to put his players back out, and he refused (thankfully, only saying “No”).
I forfeited the match, had to walk past a small hostile group of parents and that coach, and got on the phone with the league. The coach was suspended for coaching for three years by that evening, and players on that team that wished to keep playing that year were spread among other teams (too few to continue as a team as several parents demanded their kids no longer play in a league that wouldn’t let them examine a random tomboyish little girl in a pubic restroom).
@CenterPuke that's quite a story. It does seem that the transvestigators seem to "catch" a lot of women. Not unexpectedly, there are a whole lot more tomboys than trans women.
New name for felon-47... Karen-47!
The new Bevis and Butthead movie aptly describes the Bevises and Buttheads in the White House of privilege.
"“So, white privilege is when people, particularly men, automatically assume they can take whatever they want,” one young woman explains.
“And they never have to worry about getting stopped by the police,” another chimes in.
“And they have the inside track for any jobs …”
The fekking idjits are in charge and cooking up half baked strategies to feed their base; just like Idioacracy did with the electrolyte meme:
For the last time, I'm pretty sure what's killing the crops is this Brawndo stuff.
Secretary of State:
But Brawndo's got what plants crave. It's got electrolytes.
Attorney General:
"So wait a minute. What you're saying is that you want us to put water on the crops.
Attorney General:
Water. Like out the toilet?
Well, I mean, it doesn't have to be out of the toilet, but, yeah, that's the idea.
Secretary of State:
But Brawndo's got what plants crave.
Attorney General:
It's got electrolytes."
The boneheads are transfixed with homophobic mania and, like a rabid dog, need to be put out of their misery.
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