The Portuguese Air Force is no longer expected to acquire the 5th generation F-35 fighter from Lockheed Martin, all due to the review of the US position towards NATO.
In an interview with Público, the Portuguese Defense Minister, Nuno Melo, ruled out an order for the aircraft, as did several other European nations, and blamed the Trump administration.
The possible suspension of support also weighs against the US aircraft amid government threats to tax its Western allies.
Nobody wants to have to deal with a feckless president with the attention span of a goldfish and who is evidently suffering from Irish Alzheimers. So he is going to cost General Dynamics billions in sales, which will also drive up the per-airplane cost and end up costing American taxpayers even more.
EB just on a side, what on gods green earth is "Irish Alzheimers"
That’s where one forgets everything except one’s grudges.
Forgive me if I don’t shed a tear for the poor poor shareholders of General Dynamics… they’ve been cutting a fat hog for oh.. the last 60 years or so…
In fact, I’m pretty sure that they were part of the evil Military/Industrial complex until last November.
March 10: the karen-47 telling the world we have a killswitch for all the advanced fighters... I said the that Lockmart et al would not be pleased.
We can bet they aren't!
Just maybe karen-47 might shut his piehole and stop giving everything
away... Nah, doesn't help his Russian handler.
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