"Clean coal".
There is no such thing. Those who say that it does are shills for the coal industry.
Which, as you might expect, includes Cadet Bone Spurs.
Below Zero Chance Of That Happening
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All the hydrocarbons are different mixes of carbon and hydrogen. D'uh. The more hydrogen, the cleaner. Methane is CH₄, which consists of one carbon atom bonded to four hydrogen atoms. It's colorless and burns pretty clean. Coal is lots of C (which is why, d'uh again, it is black), burn dirty since it also has indeterminate other stuff like sulfur and trace minerals, all of which makes it really hard to burn even "somewhat clean" and leaves you with really nasty leftovers like radioactive heavy metal fly ash and a sulfuric acid bonus.
So simple, not hard to understand: if you burn something that gives off smoke and smell, you're screwing things up.
Irony: there's interest in mining coal plants' fly ash dumps for rare rare earth metals needed for the electric everything infrastructure
The waste ash pile at the average coal plant is radioactive hot
compared to the nuke plant.
Its anything but clean, it out-gases, can spontaneously ignite, produces
ash (disposal), and dust to the max. Anyone saying "clean coal" needs
a 100 pound sack of it dumped at their feet. and that would be clean
compared to what a bulk user sees. That's clean compared to the extraction and processing process. No it's dirty, very dirty.
"Clean coal" is just a repetitive statement of stupidity. Those saying
prove they are stupid by repeating it.
I hadn't heard that one is years. Good grief. No utility is going to be stupid enough to piss away billions building new coal fired power plants. Even if the TOFF cancels every pollution regulation, they know it's not going to last. Tough shit, West Virginia, nobody wants your fucking coal.
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