No, none of that. All that's too hard.
Their first priority is the hot-button issue of keeping transgendered women out of sports.
There are, what, twenty transgendered girls and women in sports nationwide, maybe? But that is such an important issue for the fucking Federal government to address.
Name, for me, every top-ranked pro athelete that is transgendered. Name any major sporting award won by a transgendered athelete. And before you start, pre-transition doesn't count (as in that noted Quisling Jenner).
The GOP is a party of bigotry and hatred. They keep drilling down to smaller and smaller numbers of people they can focus thier hatred and discrimination against.
And if you are gay or lesbian, don't worry. As soon as Johnny Roberts and the Supremes get a case in front of them so they can overrule Obergefell v. Hodges, they are coming for you.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
11 minutes ago
I suspect Bible Mike still has a Ken doll he plays with at home
Their targets are small so they can build.
I feel they are after more... If you can overturn Obergefell V Hodges
that opens the door to many other larger groups. Their end game
being if you not straight white christian male you are not a citizen.
Extreme, yes. But look at the players.
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