If you commit an act of violence in furtherance of the Orange Shitbird's agenda, you will receive a pardon. You might face state charges, but if you're in a Trumpist state, you can probably expect the charges to be nollied or, if they're brought, a state pardon.
Trump's pardons of all of the J6 defendants legitimized political violence. You can kill people, assault cops, trash government buildings, whatever you wish, as long as he sees it to be in his interest. For he will have your back.
How long before the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers become the brown shirts of the GOP is now the question of the day.
And yes, they are well aware of their bettered position.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
16 minutes ago
Next question is will we know the Geheime Staatspolizei (secret
state police aka gestapo), but can we tell them from the Schutzstaffel
(political police aka SS). Speculative but seems it may take that path.
They also had the highly controlled Ordnungspolizei, or order police
that were the regular uniformed police.
So if all the Jan 6th convicts get blanket pardons or commuted sentences, why aren’t the convicts of the George Floyd riots entitled to the same outcomes? There were over 14,000 arrests during the Floyd riots which caused 9 deaths of police officers. Jan 6 saw 277 arrests which caused 8 deaths (includes a drug overdose and a civilian shot), 6 of which were police officers; 5 of those were police suicides a few days later. Proportionally, there were more police casualties on Jan 6 than during the summer riots. So again, I ask the proponents of law and order and back the blue, why the difference in treatment? It appears that as long as someone riots/protests in the support of Trump, then that’s okay. But if one riots/protests police brutality which results in the death of a citizen, those actions cannot be tolerated. Double standards of the Right?
Most of those protesting Floyd's murder by the cops were charged by the states, so the Twice-Impeached Felon can't pardon them.
Not that he would.
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