Zuckerberg has been leaning into the pro-masculinity and pro-white-bigotry movements of the Trumpies.
So who does he blame for FB's DEI policies that the fascists hate? Not himself, of course, for he's only the boss and owner. Nosiree bob!
He's blaming Sheryl Sandberg, who left over two years ago.
That's a real masculine move to blame a woman who is long gone for his current problems.
What a fucking pussy. He owns the store, he could have changed things at any time and on a whim. But no, it's someone else's fault, isn't it.
Zuckerberg is the Frank Burns of the tech world.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
13 minutes ago
'Mark Zuckerberg eats worms' doesn't have the same ring to it.
How dare you slander Frank Burns like that?
That seems to be a continuing theme with Rethugs, never accept blame and always deflect blame to lesser person, particularly if they are unable to defend themselves..
Fortunately, fictional characters can't sue.
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