- Gas was cheap because nobody was driving anywhere. The economy in the last year of Dolt-45s term was so bad that the oil producers were effectively giving crude oil away.
- The economy was in such peril that the Trump Administration was handing out large loans to businesses under Covid programs, loans that did not have to be paid back. (Many of the GOP politicians who today carp about forgiving student loans took six figures or better in such free money.)
- The economy seemed to be in such peril that the Trump Administration was handing out thousands of dollars to every taxpayer, regardless of whether or not they were well employed or not.
- All that extra money that was shoveled out so people could go on spending sprees, resulted in supply-chain shortages and inflation. (So yes, the inflation of the last few years can be laid at his tiny feet.)
- The airlines, which had thought they were profitable without end, had billions of dollars given to them to keep them from evaporating.
- Trump prioritized what states got Covid relief based on how nice the governors were to him.
- Trump's rallies became superspreader events, killing some of his supporters (including Herman Cain). Hell, almost every event he had, large and small, was better known for sickening people.
- Trump’s mishandling if the pandemic, his half-measures, his delayed actions and promotion of medical and pseudo-pharmacological quackery cost hundreds of thousands of lives.
- Because of the foregoing, the death toll in areas where his supporters were a higher percentage of the population had needlessly higher death rates.
- And, lets not forget, the death toll in some cities from the Trump Flu was so high that refrigerated trailers had to be lined up to hold the bodies.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
15 minutes ago
This is similar to what I remember. The only silver lining was not getting dumped from medicare.
And in the late '60s when I wuz a teenager, gas was 30¢ a gallon, a new Chevy was 2 grand, a Buick 3, a CattleTruck 5 (with tail fins!) and $25 filled up two shopping carts. Re-Elect Eisenhower. Index to inflation and nothing has changed, except life *has* gotten better. Cars last longer than 5 years and are safer. More disease gets prevented or cured. But the stupidity of people....about the same, except that the idiocy of the South has metastasized to the nation at large.
Started to work from home while 45 was in office due to Covid. Still working from home and not commuting is the only positive outcome from that time. Sometimes I think humans have worse memories than concussed goldfish.
At least that nightmare got voted out, but it desperately wants back in. The only thing that didn't get fixed is the MAGA Insanity. It's a permanent infection and will surely metastasize into something worse. And, will no doubt, be another four letter word.
Went back to work for 2 years to offset increasing costs, price gouging on necessities, and protect savings. Helped my employer overcome electronic component supply chain issues and keep the doors open. Masked and isolated, but it was better than sitting at home twiddling my thumbs or going slowly insane watching news. There was one small positive; no traffic to speak of, but when folks went back to the office, it was like they forgot how to drive. Still a bit scary, but at least not Mad Max level anymore.
I remember gas at 19 cents/gallon. Today I can buy 92 octane non-ethanol gas for my much older cars for $5.79/gallon. (Used to get 100 octane for under a buck a gallon back when). But mileage is actually better than with corn laced gasoline as is performance.
What was the average hourly wage/salary compared to todays wages
Wow, you can really spin it .
Selective memory and all that too.
But hey, if that sort of delusion helps you sleep at night, then go, lady.
I see you've forgotten that, four years ago, the unemployment rate was approaching ten percent.
So don't give me guff about "selective memory". As if you're an impartial observer.
The "approaching ten percent" was a reduction in unemployment; the official unemployment rate hit 14.7%, and, by some standards, the rate exceeded 20%.
Under Hoover, at the peak of the Great Depression in 1932, 15 million Americans were unemployed. In one single month during the Trump administration (April 2020), over 20 million Americans lost there jobs.
It's worse than you remember.
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