In Louisiana, you can just claim to be home-schooled, fork over some cash and get a diploma. Your folks can send you to work at the local fast-food emporium, garage, or industrial operation and say that you got an education at the School of Hard Knocks.
Colleges and employers are going to need to be keeping lists of states (most of them southern) from which diplomas are worthless.
Orange Rotation
2 hours ago
I believe Mike Johnson is a product of Loseiana. He didn't turn out so bad. and try as I might, I can't find any mention of egjumucation in the good book. Maga Kag
Let's just say that certain political parties love the uneducated.
It’s a disappointing thing to see, the steady politicization of education. I graduated from Louisiana Public Schools in the 80’s, and the education was pretty solid. Yea, the history (literally) whitewashed the “War Between the States”, and Jim Crow was absent, but the Civil Rights movement was covered, and on the whole it was reasonably well rounded. After I left, I heard about intelligent design and such being introduced. Back then “those” sort of books that are being banned today were available in the library for those wishing to read them and there was no push to remove those books because they discussed inconvenient truths. Home schooling was a mythical thing, something you’d hear a rumor of some kid at a different school successfully pulling off to get away from his troubles at school, but now…
When I worked reference for Pasco (FL) Libraries, I would get weekly calls from a county commissioner who oversaw the HR dept. and he wanted me to verify the existence of colleges listed on people's resumes. The number of fake diploma mills - a number of them from Louisiana - was staggering. He would have 5-6 resumes every call, all of them with fake colleges. There was one - ONE resume - that was legit through the eight months I did those research requests.
There is a lot of fakery going on with people applying for civil service jobs.
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