The representatives from the party of Hoover blocked extending unemployment benefits.
Doesn't matter a fuck that for the last sixty years, it has been the practice in hard times to extend unemployment benefits. Doesn't matter a shit that unemployment benefits are stimulative, since damn few unemployed people can afford o save anything.
No, now, after eight years of going along with the Bush deficits, now Republicans feel a need to do something about the deficit. And when Republicans want to "do something" about Federal deficits, their targets are always the programs who help people who have fallen on hard times. But whisper the magic words "tax breaks for the rich", and you will see those same deficit hawks stumbling over themselves to vote "yea", no matter how much those tax breaks increase the deficit.
So if you are unemployed in this holiday season, go and properly thank a Republican politician or pundit for their concern and caring. (Do try not to injure them too badly, though.)
Time Is Rapidly Dancing Away From You
11 minutes ago
1 comment:
So why aren't the Dems proclaim that the Republicans declared "War on Christmas" here?
Unemployment insurances are - if looked at from the viewpoint of economic science - indeed problematic. The moral hazard problem cannot be solved.
The current situation renders the moral hazard problem a moot point, though. There are simply not enough jobs, so it's irrelevant whether the unemployed seek jobs or not.
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