Gracie got a trip to the vet yesterday. Part of it was for her periodic butt-shave. The other part was to discuss her arthritis. She hates the carrier; as I was carrying her over to it, she peed. I was dressed for work and with great luck, she missed me. But there I was, with a yowling cat in her carrier, on my knees, cleaning up cat piss. No stain, no smell, for I got it fast. Her arthritis is not good, but she still gets around. Gracie is 12. One of her littermates is still around, semi-feral (and spayed); she is a bit lighter than Gracie and she also shows signs of arthritis.
Sunday night, George was lying in one of the cat condos with his head towards the back. Even catnip did not interest him. I thought he was sulking about something. Evidently, he was not feeling well, for the next morning, there was a huge splash of barf on one of my area rugs and he seemed to be feeling a lot better. I cleaned it up with some product that is supposed to be great for pet stains (something about "banana oil"). It worked, but I guess I should have diluted it, for did it ever reek. It was 31degF out and I had the windows open and a vent fan running.
Jake is fine. From time to time, I pick him up and cradle him in one arm, on his back and scratch his chest, neck and jaw with my other hand. I have to slouch back in the couch for this to work, for he is not a tiny cat, but he loves it.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
1 comment:
You may know that aspirin can be successfully used on cats, just not DAILY. the dose is 81 mg/cat every 48 hours (Kirk's Veterinary Therapy) or 10-20 mg/kg. every other day. (Plumb Veterinary Drug Handbook Fourth Edition.
Naturally, consult with your doctor.
There is also one non steroidal inflammatory drug that is available for cats (Meloxicam )
However, threre are other NSAIDS not labeled for cats in this country but labeled for cats in other countries. If you find some stuff Googling and want a commenton it, feel free.
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