President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for his “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”.
As the heads of Wingnuts explode in fury and frustration. They'll probably start yammering about "see, we told you that he was like Jimmy Carter".
Update: Reuters News Service can go fuck themselves, for the very first thing that those asswipes did was go and get a statement from some clown in Hamas. When someone else wins a Nobel in any other area, they don't go seeking out detractors: "oh he shouldn't have gotten the Nobel for his work in the evolutionary development of Drosophila melanogaster, because everyone knows that evolution is junk science".
Fucking press has to show that they are even-handed, no matter what the issue. If someone was working to stop live kittens from being fed into tree shredders, those morons would find a spokesman for using tree shredders to kill small animals.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
I guess it's an obvious comment, but for those who think it's too soon.. As Pharyngula said recently, all you have to do is follow after Bush and not blow anything up for a year, and presto, you look like Gandhi.
On the live kitten shredder, well yes. A "spokesman" recently for the egg industry spake when it came out that egg producers were dumping male chicks into meat grinders. Hey, it's the most humane, quickest way to dispose of them. Right. Still makes me a little sick.
Except, of course, for the fact that Ghandi --despite being nominated five times -- never won a Nobel Peace Prize.
ANYONE would have been better that GWB, but is that really the best criteria for a Nobel? The cut-off date for nominations was Feb. 1st -- a whopping 12 days after Obama's inauguration. What, precisely, was accomplished?
Aside from not being Bush, and making a slot of promises yet to be kept?
Actually, crankylitprof, I saw some answers to your question on other sites.
The cutoff date for nomination isn't the cutoff date for decisions. As for what he's done, he got Russia to back down from an aggressive stance by cancelling a European missile defense system. North Korea and Iran also stopped rattling sabers.
CP, one might view Obama's Nobel as a giant "thank you" to the USA for not electing the other team of Cranky Grandpaw and the Ignorant Slut.
The Nobel committee also might have thought that they were showing their appreciation for an American president whose approach to diplomacy is more nuanced than the Bush version of "we only talk to people who agree with us and if you don't do what we want, we'll bomb the shit out of you."
Either way, it is still an honor given to our President and the reaction of much of the Republican politicians and pundits speaks very poorly of them. Between this and their reaction towards the IOC vote last week, it has become very clear that the GOP is very much "party first, country a distant second" and they should not be surprised if they find that a lot of people remember that.
My first reaction upon reading one of my favorite blogs this morning was, "Oh, they're posting another link to the Ironic Times, aren't they? I bet the next paragraph talks about how Obama has brought peace to Iraq and Afghanistan."
Of course, it wasn't. But still, even if you're dubious of Obama and his policies, the only reasonable reaction if you can't bring yourself to congratulate him is a polite acknowledgement of the honor that has been giving to our President and to the nation as a whole, and then STFU. The Repukes have shown no class at all in this case. As Miss Manners was fond of saying, "it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and prove it." In this case she was 100% correct.
- Badtux the Prize Penguin
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