Namely BadTux, who thinks that what we have been seeing since the end of the Cold War is a deliberate destruction of our industrial base by the elite rich, whose goal is to destroy the middle class and the better-off working class to, in essence, transform this nation into Mexico North.
I can't say that he is wrong. What really bothers me is the people who will reliably vote for the party that is in favor of impoverishing those who draw paychecks. They benefit from wage and hour laws, worker safety laws,laws that work to enforce food safety and to require clean and and water, but they vote time and again for the Party of Clowns, which has as its agenda, the destruction of all of those provisions. A goodly percentage of the people who went to Beck's Million Moran March have their health insurance provided by Medicare, a program that the Party of Clowns fought against for twenty years.
Look at the attempts by the Party of Clowns to move Social Security to the stock market in the middle of this decade. If they had been successful at that, and if they had been able to block the moves by Presidents Bush and Obama to prevent the economy from collapsing, Social Security would have been destroyed. Tens of millions of people would have been unable to ever retire, which would seem to fit right nicely into BadTux's hypothesis.
He also touches on something that I have been saying for a long time about the police statists in this country and their exploitation of the 9-11 attacks to further their moves to demolish the Bill of Rights. But you can go read that for yourself.
Oh, and while we are on gloomy subjects, did you realize that if you are the victim of domestic violence, the death panels in the health insurance industry will deem that to be a "pre-existing condition" and seize upon that excuse to deny you health insurance?
Small Talk, Big Trouble
16 minutes ago
I try to follow Napolean's maxim to never attribute to conspiracy what could be explained by incompetence. Our rulers seem to be such ignoramuses lately that positing incompetence isn't too much of a stretch.
We were very lucky not to have had SS put into the hands of the Wall Street gambling addicts. The point I made at the time was that, with almost every other form of safety net tied into that market in some way or another, it was nice that there was at least one that wasn't.
Those who wanted SS int the hands of Wall St merely wanted to loot it to enrich themselves. To say it was a conspiracy to reduce all to peasantry implies that in some small way they actually think about what happens to people outside their circle.
I'd like to believe the oligarchs are as brownian in their incompetence as the rest of us, but I don't think it would take the collaboration of many minds to work towards creating feudalism in America.
I came up with the same theory years ago when, in the face of a shrinking oil supply, every American somehow needed a larger and larger car. The inevitable peak oil disaster approaches ever more swiftly. It won't be the end of the personal car, just the personal car for *us*.
Unfortunately, the technological differential between what the oligarchs will use to control us and what we'll be allowed to have will be such that revolt against them will be far more pointless than pitchforks against knights on horseback.
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