There is a shitload of Federal police agencies. There are Stamp Cops, Coin Cops, Railroad Bulls, Space Cops[1] and even Book Cops, though they are being phased out. Even the FBI has its own cops to make certain that all of those gun-toting agents don't swipe the cash from the coffee messes, I guess.
It seems insane that there are so many different uniformed forces tramping around DC.
[1]"Pigs in Space" is too obvious. Sorry
Small Talk, Big Trouble
23 minutes ago
1 comment:
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes. Apparently the notion is that by dividing up the watchers into dozens of competing factions, they'll watch each other. What a splendid idea. We can have the ATF, DEA, and FBI get into gun battles over who gets to take down some drug kingpin, yeah, makes me feel fucking safer, in sorta the same way that a jet airliner flying straight towards my fur-lined ass would make me feel safer...
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