They're probably all scum, but for today, I am pinging on Bank of America. I received my latest statement from them and it said something along the lines of "to give you more time to pay, we are now sending out our statements 21 days before the due date."
Right. Like that's a great idea that the wizards of BofA thought of. Except, of course, it isn't, Federal law now requires that. The credit card companies all fought that, but they lost, and now they are taking credit for it.
Scum-sucking weasels, all of them.
It's sort of like the auto companies, which spent years and years trying to fight off a requirement that new cars come equipped with air bags. Once they lost and the cars were coming off the assembly lines with air bags, the car companies touted them as a great safety feature and gave every hit that they were installing air bags because the auto companies really gave a frell about their customers.
Bunch of lying fucks.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
10 minutes ago
The credit card companies all fought that, but they lost, and now they are taking credit for it
Sounds like a Republican tactic too.
The VERY same Bank of America raised my interest rate to something in the order of 24%, fucking scum bags. No, I wasn't late. Yes, I always paid LARGE amounts more than the minimum. Yes, they sent a "warning." It included the information that they would adjust but not what the rate would be and I could deny it but they would close the card. Unfortunately, I had used that card extensively, taking advantage of very low interest, to put money into my business. I have since lowered the amount to under 20K but, but, but.....
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