And there was retired Vice President for Torture, Vlad Cheney, giving his spiel that we are all going to die unless America continues his policies of torture, murder and detention without trial.
I turned the news off. I figured that there could not be anything important that happened yesterday if ABC News thought it necessary to give air time to the World's Most Wanted War Criminal.
Everyone Is Pro Pronoun
2 hours ago
well I waved the white flag of surrender to all of the major networks when I saw the pvp (previous vice president) i don't even want to type his name and these guys like a bent coin you can't seem to get rid of. They just will not go away.
Have courage, we got rid of some of the assholes, they're like bedbugs, no certain path to elimination but possible. Really.
Yeah, he whom I'd rather not mention made me turn off the set, too. That and the Republican frothing about the "spending not stimulus" bill every night keeps me watching re-runs of NCIS at 1700!
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