“If you really want to see what ‘going negative’ is in politics, just watch the back-stabbing and blame game that we’re starting to see,” said Mark McKinnon, the ad man who left the campaign after McCain wrapped up the GOP primary. “And there’s one common theme: Everyone who wasn’t part of the campaign could have done better.”Wow. I thought it was somewhat customary to at least wait until the polls closed east of the Mississippi before forming up the circular firing squad. There are still 12 days to go.
“The cake is baked,” agreed a former McCain strategist. “We’re entering the finger-pointing and positioning-for-history part of the campaign. It’s every man for himself now.”
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
Here is a brand new shovel.
dig a very deep hole and hide.
Not me, I'm going to make another batch of popcorn and watch.
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