The New York Times has another article about the McFuckwit Administration's push to get immunity for the telecom companies for cooperating with the illegal warrantless wiretapping program that those defenders of freedom and liberty in the Chimperor's Regime began within weeks of their judicially-driven coup.
I say: No! No way, no how.
These are all big companies with lots of lawyers. Qwest had no problem in figuring out that the wiretap requests were overbroad and illegal. The other companies were either not that smart or intimidated by Stupie's jackbooted thugs. They should not get immunity from lawsuits for their illegal acts just because some badge-waving goons told them to do it.
Of course, the Cheney Administration will probably get what they want from Congress, because somebody ripped the balls off of Harry Reid and most of the rest of the Senate Democrats a long time ago. Reid makes Nevile Chamberlain look like a stalwart figure.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
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