The damn thing is surprisingly difficult to fly, it took me several tries to get it to take off without crashing.
This is the controller. The helo is connected to it for recharging and George is checking it out.
What you have to do is "bang" the main rotor throttle right to the setting needed to climb and then use the trim control for directional stability. It will turn as you climb or descend, because you are out of trim, and you have to be careful on landing. It also does not turn very easily and it has a tendency to lose trim when you try to execute a turn.
This is stuff that unless you knew something about flying to begin with, you probably couldn't get it to fly, as the directions gave no clue.
George is fascinated by it in flight, I think he regards it as fair game. If I had a third hand, I'd take a video.
This has got to be such a waykewl toy.
It is fun. But I need to take it to a friend's house who has a larger room until I get better at controlling it.
Since I was given it at work, I think I'm going to use it to buzz my boss. :)
I like the buzzing the boss part. One of our guys brought in a radio controlled blimp one day. Was sort of fun to watch it bump from cubicle to cubicle thought when it got near the office secret smoker I was afraid we'd have another Hindenburg on our hands.
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