A Chinese national, who is being prosecuted for fraud by the SEC, bought $30 million of Trump's cryptocurrency in a way that netted Trump $18 million.
It won't be covered by the WaPo or the NYT, as they're currently flailing about Hunter Biden. “Trump is corrupt and takes cash from the nationals of America’s adversaries” is just too commonplace these days— the GOP’s equivalent of jaywalking. Neither paper won't bother to assign an intern will be assigned to look into it. The SEC case will quietly go away.
And what's a mere $18 million among oligarchs, right?
Trump is corrupt. Toljaso.
We Make This Pizza From Scratch(ers)
1 hour ago
Emoluments clause...
IT will be fun to watch.
Yeah, as if you can find a single Republican who gives a shit about that. They didn't during his first term.
That guy... What an entitled, solipsistic narcissist. See also, here: https://apnews.com/article/hong-kong-banana-art-justin-sun-eat-cryptocurrency-ea246755028e74b87a2ecd8a27af16bf
It will disappear like the ten million he got from Egypt the first campaign. In other words, he will steal it.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
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