Guests are paying millions of dollars to dine and meet with President Donald Trump at special events held at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida.
Business leaders can secure a one-on-one meeting with the president at Mar-a-Lago for $5 million, according to sources with direct knowledge of the meetings. At a so-called candlelight dinner held as recently as this past Saturday, prospective Mar-a-Lago guests were asked to spend $1 million to reserve a seat, according to an invitation obtained by WIRED.
One can imagine the outrage of any other president who was so nakedly selling access, but with Felon^34, everyone is outraged out, since he's the guy that even King Elon's AI thinks is a Russian agent.
Meanwhile, Dumbo Donnie doesn't know the difference between "transgenetic" and "transgendered". He is so fixated on anything "trans" that nobody should be surprised if he issues an executive order to make it illegal to grab a nonstop transcontinental flight.
The man is stupid and somewhere the government watchdogs are
I think the $5mil dinner is against the emoluments clause.... as it was back when dumbo-47 was idiot-45.
No government watchdog is going to raise a peep. The Felon fired most of the inspectors general.
Emptying the IG office was calculated. Most didn't understand what
that meant.
A million bucks for a burned steak with ketchup and talking or is that just listening, to a fat, feeble, felon. Oh yeah, sign me right on up. They must vet out my kind of people in this, but what a naked money grab. There is no more law and order in our land.
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