The lawyers for Trump have told the courts that the House Impeachment proceedings are so, so unfair to Trump. They're upset that the full House hasn't voted on the matter before the committees began issuing subpoenas.
Here's the thing: Impeachment is a political act, not one governed by the court system. The House sets its own rules for how it conducts an investigation.
"Great and unmatched wisdom" or not, this is how Trump is setting himself up for impeachment. Every refusal to comply with a House subpoena is, arguably, a separate impeachable offense.
The question is, now, whether the House will go to court to enforce its subpoenas (getting a ruling that Trump has no right to defy the subpoenas) or just proceed straight to impeaching him.
And then we shall see where the Republicans' loyalty lies: To the Constitution of the United States or to Donald Trump.
Orange Rotation
2 hours ago
I would agree with you had the House actually taken a vote on holding an official Impeachment Inquiry. Since they did not, they are holding an Impeachment Inquiry Show for their supporters and donors. The so-called "subpoenas" they are issuing are nothing more than letters requesting the presence in front of the committee. These can simply be ignored like the junk mail they are. If the House can't follow the rules to try to do this properly, then I have no problem with how this administration (or any other administration) is or would respond.
you dishonor the memory of a very brave man with your trolling.
Quite wrong, Witold. The House doesn't have to take a vote. Committee chairmen have subpoena powers.
You recall who changed the rule to allow for that? Republicans did.
So they are now being hoisted by their own petard.
Ask Richard Nixon if congressional subpoenas can be ignored.
This is the disinformation campaign the Republicans are waging now that Fergus has been caught admitting to impeachable offenses on live TV.
Fergus is betting that he can weather the impeachment process as long as he maintains unconditional support from senate Republicans, and as long as his idiot hordes remain a primary threat to any senate republican who steps out of line, he's probably correct in that assumption.
Therefore his strategy is to successfully lie to the Republican base to keep their fanatical support, and as long as they keep swallowing it, he'll be OK.
And as far as the rest of the country is concerned, fuck 'em, they never liked him anyway.
-Doug in Oakland
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