Guess the country.
No, Not Iran. Not Pakistan or Afghanistan.
It happened in Israel.
Religious nuts are all the same, all around the world. Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Shinto, they are all the same. Who they pray to may differ, the rituals and languages differ, but they all are after the same thing: To coerce people to do it their way, to follow their rules, whether or not the people believe as the fanatics do.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
23 minutes ago
agreed! now I wonder if we will hear about this on the news at all since it concerns Israel rather than the Arab countries?
Shh! Remember, criticizing Israel is the same thing as advocating exterminating Jews -- even if you are Jewish! Sheesh, you shoulda learned that in journo school, dude.
--badtux the tongue-in-beak penguin
BadTux, I simply don't give a shit. I call out stupid conduct, left right, center, whatever, doesn't matter to me. Yes I focus more on the modern Confederates, because they have a corner on stupidity, but they don't have a lock on it.
I think Netanyahu is a Bush level tool.
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