Two men in Newark, NJ, dressed as cops, robbed a home.
The bad news should be obvious. If people have the suspicion that the guys outside yelling "Police!" are not cops, they may be inclined to resist with force. Both cops and civilians are at an increased risk of being killed because of these thugs.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
This has been a problem for a long time in poorer neighborhoods. In neighborhoods where you have cops regularly breaking in doors on no-knock warrants, you will naturally end up with copy-cats using this tactic for home invasions. And such has happened in city after city around the nation. The response of the cops has been telling. Their response has not been to scale back on no-knock warrants and go back to the old polite knock on the door/presentation of police ID and warrant scheme where people could have assurance that if anybody was breaking down their door, it was probably a criminal. No. Their response has been to *increase* the scale of no-knock warrants, and add even *increased* firepower to their persecution of said warrants, to the point where entire city blocks are now routinely sealed off by dozens of police officers and multiple paramilitary SWAT teams are involved. Which of course slows down the execution of these warrants to a crawl, but the mantra "officer safety" is the only mantra that they will listen to, and "officer safety" means that requiring an officer to approach the home and properly identify himself prior to execution of the warrant is deemed "too dangerous" now.
Funny, none of this makes me feel safer. When I was a kid, I ran around the neighborhood (and not a good neighborhood either) without an issue. Cops back then were armed with .38 revolvers. There were no paramilitary SWAT teams. If the .38 revolvers weren't good enough, they had pump-action shotguns. But I was safe to roam my neighborhood. What has all this militarization of our police forces in pursuit of the "war on drugs" gotten us? Other than a steadily increasing body count, that is?
You're anticipating a future rant of mine, Badtux.
Hmph, in some places the question would be whether they were impersonating police, or were the real thing...
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