So help me, the next apartment I rent is going to have light-colored carpeting.
I am so tired of discovering errant cat turds by means of the Helen Keller Method.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
20 minutes ago
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Well, the problem with light-colored carpet is that then you get to watch the carpet change colors as the cats hawk up hairballs on it...
I feed my cats Royal Canin dry food, which seems to do a very good job of hairball prevention.
Another thing that helps is a large throw-rug in the litterbox area. Most of the errant output ends up on said throw rug.
Of course, then there's the kitteh who misses the box, tries to "bury" it on the throw rug and instead merely ends up kicking it all over the place. (Shrug). What can you do?
I've tried pretty much every food but none of them make any real difference. Mencken is fluffier than he looks and hawks up hairballs the way Republicans hawk up excuses for why we're still in Iraq, and my light-tan carpet slowly turns shades of brown and yellow until I finally give in and get the carpet people in again.
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