Because Sen. Kamala Harris isn’t white, some assholes will challenge her citizenship.
Her parents were immigrants (her mother is deceased), some racist fucks will claim she’s not an American by birth. Even though she was born in Oakland, CA.
Trump’s mother was an immigrant, but nobody seriously questioned his citizenship. Because he’s a white guy. Unlike, say, the previous president, who also had one non-American parent, but trolls like Trump questioned his citizenship, because he’s Black.
It’s racism, pure and simple. If you’re questioning Sen. Harris’s right to run for office on the bullshit grounds that being born in Oakland doesn’t make her an American citizen, then you, sir or madam, are a racist fuck.
Don’t let the screen door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Update, 8/13/20, 9AM: Yep. It happened.
Ignorance Is On The Rice
3 hours ago
I don't like Harris because she's a Neo-Leberal and a Corporatist shill. Being female and non-white are her only good points in my book.
You mean like the DNC folks who claimed Rubio, Jindal, and Cruz were ineligible?
Unlike Barry, AFAIK Harris has actual unedited documentation of her birth and has never claimed to have been a citizen of another country.
Whataboutism returns.
Trump never found the proof of Obama’s “fake” birth certificate. He never sent any investigators to Hawaii as he said.
So much for your prejudice against liars, B. Trump could pee in your mouth and you would say it was spring water. 😂
It’s funny. Questioning someone’s citizenship was never a major issue until Obama when the Republicans, conservatives, and racists did. Now, when the left questioned Cruz, Rubio, and Jindal it’s brought up as double standards, WHEN IT WAS THE RIGHT THAT SET THE STANDARDS. Hypocrites.
When I was in high school over fifty years ago I was taught that to be president you had to be born in the United States. When John McCain was running it was brought up that he was born in Panama. The argument was that since it was in a U.S. hospital on a U.S. naval base that made it American soil. The base land was returned to Panama in 1999 per the agreement with Panama. So it really was just a rental and not American soil. Of course John McCain was the only true American in that he was a white Republican.
In the last few days I've seen references to Sen, Harris that if used
to refer to your wife or daughter would certainly be fightin words...
It is a form of sexual assault. Just sayin.
The use of that language oral or written suggest you need a
bar of soap to chew on.
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