As I mentioned last week, I've been kind of out of commission for a bit from a bug. I hadn't gotten much into watching TV shows from non broadcast/CATV sources, but I had heard good things about Bosch and so I began watching it.
I liked the first season, if "season" is a good description for how the Internet shows are put out (as you probably know, they drop the entire season at once). It was good. Not great, but good.
But the second season? In the procedural cop genre, it's got to be one of the best around. I'll second this review.
In a way, the sad thing is that the show is on Amazon Prime. I don't know how many people are watching it, but I'll suspect the numbers are negligible compared to either basic cable or broadcast. Bosch deserves to be seen by a lot more people.
Oil Bet It’ll Take Him A While To Re-Cover
2 hours ago
The books are wonderful! The TV show isn't bad at all but having read the novels and Harry Bosch having taken form in my mind, I am probably not as appreciative of the show as I might be otherwise.
Is the show better than the books? I gave up on the books after about the fourth one, because the solution to the whodunnit had become stupidly obvious by that time -- it was a dirty cop who dunnit, every single time. Yeah, there's lots of dirty cops out there, but sheesh. Four times in a row? Aren't there any real criminals who *don't* wear blue in Harry Bosch's Los Angeles?
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