Tear gas and pepper spray hung in the air as police in riot gear descended on Keene, New Hampshire, on Saturday night, trying to disperse a rowdy crowd that brought chaos to the city's 24th annual Pumpkin Festival, CNN affiliates reported. ... Other young people shouted expletives at police, started fires in the road, pulled down a street sign and apparently tried to flip over a Subaru, the [Keene] Sentinel said.Snarking about "where are the white community leaders" and "this wouldn't happen in white families' had fathers" in three....two.....one....
We’d Love To Hear His Opinion On Pineapples!
1 hour ago
1 comment:
Keene has an infestation of Libertarian/Occupy kids who have been moving there over the last few years to smoke weed, make anti-cop youtube videos and live off of their trust funds. The whole place needs to be cleaned out with DDT.
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