I'm getting a dead-tree edition so that I can loan it out.
The Ferguson cops apparently let Michael Brown die in the street and forbade even minimal medical attention:
Another neighbor, a woman who identified herself as a nurse, was begging the officers to let her perform CPR.Dead men tell no inconvenient tales to Federal investigators, you see.
They refused, Mr. Stone said, adding, “They didn’t even check to see if he was breathing.”
Check out this not-fully-fiction piece from The Onion: http://www.theonion.com/articles/tips-for-being-an-unarmed-black-teen,36697/
Lot of truth in that. It also applies to black cops in civilian clothes, as at least two of them were shot by their "fellow" officers in the NYC area in the last several years.
The cellphone video is disturbing, but without clear timing it's not clear if he was already "declared dead" at that point (it seems to be a paramedic of some sort kneeing near the body). However, the treatment of the body, even at that point, is terrible. And the fact that he lies where he fell is clear evidence that no one was allowed to attempt to aid him.
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