We know him better as the Orange Fuhrer.
But it's as a lot of us suspected. For if Trump were truly a Russian plant, what would he have done differently? He's pushing Ukraine to surrender, he's dismantling the government, and he put another alleged Russian asset in as DNI. He's trying to destroy NATO and make the USA a virtual member of what's left of the Warsaw Pact, a/k/a the Axis of Evil.
The ROI for Russia has been pretty damned good.
We Are Not Able To Accommodate Ableists
1 hour ago
I would love to buy lunch and talk for a while. There is no sarcasm implied in any way, seriously
It would almost be better if he were indeed a Russian agent, because that would mean that he might not have come up with his plan to destroy the country himself.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Now tell us why no one -- and there were plenty whose specific, black-letter job it was -- dealt with him decades ago.
Please explain how he is doing this
To everyone attacking me or challenging me on here. I’m a grade a troll, I am, but I would hope what I’m saying might make you challenge some beliefs you have.
If I do that and you establish some independent thought then I have succeeded, if not, I’m screaming in the wilderness.
I haven’t tried to be impolite.
If you believe what your color political party tells you as truth, then you are naive.
The Manchurian Candidate?
Then, in 1987, Trump and Ivana visited Moscow and St Petersburg for the first time. Shvets said he was fed KGB talking points and flattered by KGB operatives who floated the idea that he should go into politics.
The ex-major recalled: “For the KGB, it was a charm offensive. They had collected a lot of information on his personality so they knew who he was personally. The feeling was that he was extremely vulnerable intellectually, and psychologically, and he was prone to flattery.
“This is what they exploited. They played the game as if they were immensely impressed by his personality and believed this is the guy who should be the president of the United States one day: it is people like him who could change the world. They fed him these so-called active measures soundbites and it happened. So it was a big achievement for the KGB active measures at the time.”
So what do you believe?
What stance are you presenting and why does it have value?
Quite simply are you for or against our felonious president?
When I look closely at all parties the taste of bile is familiar. The
larger choice is then which one serves the constitution best and
does the least harm. Its a way to rationalize things.
Our current choices are in power leads to a need to spit and
Stop screaming, the wilderness doesn't like it.
“but I would hope what I’m saying might make you challenge some beliefs you have.”
Look in the mirror, pal.
He is tearing down the government, one agency at a time, appointing secretaries to cabinet positions with no qualifications other than hatred for the agency they are to run, and he is outrageously betraying the generation that saved us from the fascists last time by doing everything that helps Putin and hurts our allies, you know, the ones that fought with us against the fascists.
He is tearing apart the fabric of the multicultural society it took us over 200 years to build, which only helps our adversaries who would like nothing better than to see us fail.
I could go on.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
@frigid uniform - the Five Tool Tool still lurks on the interwebs
You might find this useful https://theoatmeal.com/comics/believe
Every day
Apparently you are not very familiar with government agencies firsthand
It’s called a metaphor eckI love the wilderness. It brings me peace and tranquility.
If more people did then we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
Both parties are lying to us. Uniparty is a real thing.
If I had to guess 95% of democrats and about the same of republicans.
By destroying trust.
So what do you believe?
What stance are you presenting and why does it have value?
We are still waiting.
Eck! I believe both sides of the aisle are correct. Why you obsessed with labels. I will tell you why. You are a pawn in the chess game.
I don't play chess. Your evaluation is faulty.
Who do you serve?
Who do you trust?
The world waits.
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