Hegseth is signalling what is coming. He and the Two Top Nazis are planning on using the military as an internal suppression force. They are getting ready by removing anyone who might tell them "no, you can't do that, boss."
To those in uniform, I ask this: Did you sign up for that, and are you going to honor your oath?
Expect the Right to cheer, as they have never cared about liberty or freedom for anyone other than themselves. They won't mind when the Orange Felonious Fuhrer makes it a crime to protest or to criticize him. Because they have never been loyal to the Constitution or to this country. Their loyalty only flows to their party and now, their Obese Old Leader.
I am willing to be shown that I am wrong about this. But I don't expect to be.
We Are Not Able To Accommodate Ableists
55 minutes ago
Until BOTH sides (red and blue) realize it’s a big game of “let’s you and him fight” nothing will change.
It’s a big club and we ain’t in it.
If you can’t look at the waste, fraud and abuse being uncovered objectively it might be time for self reflection.
They keep us little people occupied with fighting amongst ourselves while they loot the treasury.
It’s a hard pill to swallow and requires some humility on your part. Not easy
The problem is while we small people are not in the club we do suffer
the fallout. If they decide that Social Security is expensive and
pointless by their standard people will die and millions will be
negatively impacted. There is no skin lost to that for them and
they can keep shadow boxing.
As to fraud and loss... there was a whole section, recently fired,
to find, fix, and proscute that. But the treasury is open to elmo
and what they will do with that is unknown save for the people
that pay taxes will not benefit.
What they seem to find falls to cases, things they don't like
and people in organizations that can say no to them.
So prattle on as much of it is both hard to discern, if there is a
direction, its mush. But there will be steps to help you into
the boxcars.
I’m sorry to “prattle on “ I just do not see it that way.
I believe in “redemption”. That people can change.
SS I’m not concerned about because I always planned as though it would never be there.
I won’t get into a “nazi” argument with you. I would tell you study history and let it be your guide
Also the default of “people will die” is worn out. Try a new message. God as my witness, I’m trying.
There was so much waste and fraud going on with the people that the nukes were entrusted with and those that research things like the avian flu. And why should the U.S. help other countries when we can save money and let Russia, China etc gave them a little something to get them in their corner?
When Elonia investigates and cuts off all the money that he gets from the taxpayer then it will be known as the "True Cost cutter". And when he actually releases details on what was wasteful and all that fraud then he will get an gold star on his forehead.
Also, too bad if you are a vet and need help. It sucks to be you. Trump has to finance his golf vacations and road trips somehow. /S
People can change! Seriously! Felon47 was raised that way and
will die that way most likely. There is no redemption likely as a
result. I may add his father had the same reputation though as a business man he was able to fund his kid.
The real question is your trying what? To be obtuse?
Its not people will die, its people have suffered and died.
That whole thing is what they call woke!
Its a warning, if people suffer and don't die that's better?
If its tired suggest better when older folks get their retirement cut
and have to live on less or none at all?
We are all waiting.
The hits just keep on a comin'. America and democracy are bruised head to foot, but not dead yet. I only trust redemption when the redemptee proves it. Otherwise, I'm not turning the other cheek.
T**** has already proved beyond a doubt that he's not redeemable and needs to be locked up to prevent further harm to all of us. I don't need to hear anymore "Susan Collins" concern or he'll listen to reason bullshit. People are already dying because of T**** and Musk's actions.
Telling us to study history is a vacuous argument. We already have and, in many cases, lived it. The latest corruption, law breaking, gaslighting, slash and burn tactics of the current dis-administration will see us in extremely dire straits soon unless the building push back can effect and affect change.
Most armies in the world are used as internal security forces, at least sometimes if not primarily. This is the end of another point of American exceptionalism that shone out for me. However, most governments rule with the consent (or at least abdication) of the ruled; even large armies cannot deal with large scale revolt and insurgency, especially in cities. So it's important to Them that people stay stood-down between their ears.
I’ll put you down in disbelief of redemption
Memento mori
How many boosters have you had?
Got preps ? You're going to need them and your neighbors aren't going to have them either.
The rethuglicans actually believe that the public et large who oppose them don't have weapons. Which is another falsehood that the right has perpetrated foolishly. They forget that we too are very American...
"Boosters"? What has that got to do with anything?
peer reviewed studies find that mrna vaccination causes lack of cognitive reasoning skills
What are you planning?
Funny, its a reminder of the inevitable, then you die.
Or the reality of birth, taxes and death.
But it underscores the rethugs goal, more for them, mine mine, mine!
That said I subscribe to Memento vivere!
peer reviewed studies find that mrna vaccination causes lack of cognitive reasoning skills
Citations (nonpaywalled) in reputable journals or STFU.
Would you like for me to come over and chew your dinner up too?
You made the claim, you back it up. Or are you , as others have suggested, just another troll with a keyboard?
Ok, I drank 3 beers, I’ll call an Uber
I am planning on covering my own ass. Not relying on anyone but myself for the future, because all of them in DC are just painting their butts blue and howling at the moon...to no effect at saving anything.
Never had mmra vax, seems you have. Either that or you an AI hallucination.. Lot of those running around.
Me, me, me!
Two answers:
M.Y.O.B. You don't need to know.
MY.OB My Obligations... as in commitment to me, family,
community as part of the social contract.
It’s funny. When liberals are in power the want a microscope inserted in your rectum. When conservatives are in power suddenly they suddenly become Mel Gibson in the patriot.
May I suggest that you consider darkening some other tiny corner of the Web? Your comments are wavering between nonsensical and moronic.
What's funny are your comments. The nonsense level and shear idiocy
is remarkable.
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