Not because he caused it. He (and his enabler, Vlad Cheney) will be a major villain because for over six years, in spite of mounting evidence, he sat on his hands and did nothing. Even worse, Bush actively obstructed every effort to address climate change that would have even a negligible impact on his buddies in the oil, gas and coal biz. The "last clear chance" to advert serious consequences was his and he muffed it (as he has muffed everything that has not involved making his friends even richer).
So, as a result, the ice packs are melting. Those folks who scoffed at the Dennis Quaid disaster flick "The Day After Tomorrow" may indeed live to see it happen.
As far as history goes, the Iraq War may be a footnote to this part of Bush's legacy. It is no longer a joke to say what Bush has meant all along has been a "War on Terra."
George Bush: Destroyer of Worlds. At least, this one.

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