I saw this story on the Washington Post's website this morning, though it has been out for six days. The story is about an allegation by the former chief prosecutor at Guantanamo Bay, Col. Morris Davis, that the Administration is manipulating the prosecutions at Gitmo in order to have maximum political effect for the upcoming elections.
Screw justice, screw openness, and if the rest of the world gets the impression that what is going on is a kangaroo court, so what, as long as the thugs in the Bush Administration can make some political hay out of it. The cranked goons in the Administration don't care what damage they do to this country as long as they can eke out a jot of political advantage. They don't give a fuck about our democracy, about the Constitution, about the rule of law or about anything else; all they care about is their own political power.
They would declare a dictatorship in a attosecond if they thought they could get away with it.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
25 minutes ago
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