The TSA has wasted hundreds of billions of dollars in its relentless production of security theater. One wonders how confiscating the Cupcakes of Death is keeping us safe.
Someday, people will smarten up and realize that it is high time that we stop giving blank checks to the "we're only trying to keep you safe" crowd. But I don't see that happening anytime soon. So we'll keep surrendering our liberties, freedom and dignity to the "if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear" security goons.
(H/T for the cupcakes.)
Small Talk, Big Trouble
17 minutes ago
The TSA is on the job. Another fiendish plot by Osama bin-Bakin is foiled.
I think if you knew all the other passengers in a plane were TSA screeners, you could hijack the plane by drawing a picture of a handgun on a piece of paper and showing it around. They'd be terrified and do whatever you said, at that point.
They'd also wonder how you got the gun aboard, and resolve to be even more insane little dictators if they survived your reign of terror.
OMG! Cupcakes of Mass Destruction! Run away, run away!
TSA. FAIL. Just sayin'.
- Badtux the WTF Penguin
Make more, bring them, use exlax in the chocolate icing knowing they will be confiscated and eaten.
What I like is the time I put my bag on the conveyer and when I went to pick it up there was a semi-auto pistol placed in the handle. Don't know if it was real or plastic but if not real it was very realistic. And yes I have carried/owned handguns and was a moldmaker for 30 years. I was about 2 inches from grabbing it when I saw it. I asked the goon, what the fuck? I was told it was a test for the x-ray operator. My next question was, what the fuck kind of test would it have been if I had picked it up. And how good was the test as the x-ray operator passed the bag/gun through.
It's one thing to have theater, it's another to create an unwilling audience participation show.
This is the inevitable unintended consequence of the TSA, give minimum wage types this type of power and abuses will occur. A total waste of money, right up there with the war on drugs and of course the war on terror. Sigh.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays anyway.
It's not a matter of minimum wage. It's the "National Security State" run wild. Not for nothing does the TSA give their screeners play badges and, you might have heard before, the TSA is seeking to become yet another armed Federal agency.
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