The official unemployment rate climbed to 9.2% for June. The U-6 rate jumped 0.4%, to 16.2%, or 24,830,000 people who are out of work or stringing together part-time jobs.
Republicans are still peddling their fairy tale that more tax cuts for the rich will help. Democrats probably would like to engage in some economic pump-priming, but that is not going to happen, not with the House of Representatives firmly in the hands of the fiscal arsonists who are eager to score political points by trashing the economy, with the connivance of enough like-minded Senators.
Fact of the matter is, nobody gives a shit about the unemployed any more. The Republicans never have, of course. They didn't give a shit when a third of the country was out of work in the Great Depression. To them, it was a time to try and seize control of the government. Corporations are sitting on large piles of cash, the CEOs are raking in ginormous pay increases, but they are not hiring.
The wealthy and the corporations apparently have concluded that they don't need us. Any unrest would be met with by waves of paramilitary goons*, eager to please their masters by spilling blood. But why people in this country aren't getting royally hacked off that the wealthy and the CEOs have been making out like the thieves they are is beyond my understanding.
The system is wholly unfair. Executives and banksters chain-saw the shit out of businesses to make a short-term buck and nobody cares. One of those corporate butchers, Mitt Romney, had the gall to proclaim that his vast experience with trashing and looting companies makes him fit to be President, which would be like hiring Ted Bundy to run a girls' school.
Republicans hate unions to the point that they would have shuttered a goodly potion of the American manufacturing base in order to stab the United Auto Workers. They would have thrown a million or more people out of decent jobs in order to score some cheap political points How anyone can regard the Republican party as being composed of patriots is not comprehensible. But don't kid yourself, most of the Democrats are no better.
If you're looking for optimism, go elsewhere. In the words of River Tam: "Things are going to get much worse."
* The police.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
"The wealthy and the corporations apparently have concluded that they don't need us.."
Minor nit.. They don't need as many of us and it would seem 24million less.
The correct number is enough to service them and their companies still here. So maids, cleaning people and land maintenance workers plus factory employees and clerks would be the population. Likely independant employees like plumbers, electricians and other skilled trades will form back to guilds.
Welcome the the Victorian era middle ages. Greed is indeed good, again.
Drive on Mick, it don't mean nuthing.
"We the people" , what an effing joke on all of us.
But don't kid yourself, Democrats are no better.
There, fixed it.
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