Saturday, August 31, 2024


Sunbeam and a catnip pillow.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Musk Principle

It is this:

One idiot can ruin everything.

The article about that gets overly repetitive about how Musk has wrecked Twitter in less than two years and it's downright preachy in spots, but it doesn't change the truth of the principle. You should click on the link in the quote, but this is the gist of it:

One idiot can ruin everything. It doesn't matter how many billions of dollars your company is worth. Doesn't matter how many customers you have, or how many years you've been in business, or whether your product is a machine that turns dog poop into gold bars or a single injection that cures cancer. As a business, you are always just One Idiot Away from making a decision that will turn the whole company to rubble. One idiot in any significant position of power can take everything you've built and break it; an idiot who is surrounded by other idiots could very nearly kill God.

I have seen this play out in companies that were large enough to be on the Fortune list of top companies to medium-sized companies to long-established family retail businesses.

One idiot can ruin everything.

And it pays out, as well, for political parties and even nations.

One idiot can ruin everything.

Trump Defiles Veterans, Again

Two members of Donald Trump's campaign staff had a verbal and physical altercation Monday with an official at Arlington National Cemetery, where the former president participated in a wreath-laying ceremony, NPR has learned.

A source with knowledge of the incident said the cemetery official tried to prevent Trump staffers from filming and photographing in a section where recent U.S. casualties are buried. The source said Arlington officials had made clear that only cemetery staff members would be authorized to take photographs or film in the area, known as Section 60.

When the cemetery official tried to prevent Trump campaign staff from entering Section 60, campaign staff verbally abused and pushed the official aside, according to the source.

The TOFF's duty lying motherfucker denied that anything happened, but let's face facts, every word spoken on the record by a Trump campaign offical can be fairly taken as a lie.

This is all very much in line with Felon^34's long-held antipathy towards those who serve our country and especially those who die or are wounded in combat: Forbidding his children from serving, mocking wounded veterans, calling the dead "suckers and losers", comparing the Medal of Honor to the Medal of Freedom and so on and so forth.

The only reason that Cade Bone Spurs would visit a veterans cemetery is because he is trying to poromote himself. He cares for nobody other than himself. And that has been established beyond question.

On This Day in the Past-- Bigotry and Hope

First, two stories of hatred and bigotry:

Emmitt Till was murdered on August 28, 1955. He was abducted and lynched while visiting family in Mississippi because a white woman lied about Till crossing a Jim Crow line about decorum toward white women. His murder, the decision of his mother to hold an open-casket funeral so the world could see how brutally he was killed, and the printing of photos of his corpse in Jet magazine and The Chicago Defender is credited with sparking the modern civil rights movement.

Three young brothers, Ricky, Robert and Randy Ray were hemophiliacs. They all developed AIDS from blood transfusions. Much hatred and bigotry followed, they were kicked out of school in Arcadia, Florida and their medical records were made public. The local school board offered to set up a separate classroom building for them. The family refused and sued and won. In response, on this day in 1987, some asshole or assholes torched the family home, forcing them to move.

And one of hipe:

Eight years after Emmitt Till was lynched, the March on Freedom took place in Washington, D.C. The March helped push JFK towards pushing civil rights legislation. Much has been written about the March and, at this point, it should be general knowledge.

Derelicting These Down, Here

And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Pizzamandias, Franchiser of Franchisees;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

Compare and contrast to any of the TOFF's adult kids,
who have never done anything to help anyone, other than themselves.

Monday, August 26, 2024


War is always going to be with us, because some asshole will always have enough greed or butthurt to want to fight over something stupid.

Exhibit 1: Russia and Putin.

The only two ways to avoid war are to either be so poor and so weak that nobody wants to conquer your country, or be strong enough by yourself or with allies that nobody wants to take the risk.

Anybody who thinks that a war will be quick and over soon has mush for brains.

Exhibit 2: The leaders of European powers in August of 1914.

Exhibit 3: George W. Bush, 2003.

Exhibit 4: Vladimir Putin.

Human civilization would be a wonderful idea. Instead, we are little more than primates who fling more and more lethal kinds of shit at each other.

If there is a galactic civilization, they probably marked space within a light-year of Sol as being off limits because the third planet is inhabited by rabid animals.

Basics 101, Political Ed.

If you are going to run with some (to your mind) spiffy slogan, first secure the fucking URL for it. Otherwise, this happens and you look like a pack of fools.

The Lying Sofaphile

Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance says Donald Trump would not support a national abortion ban if elected president and would veto such legislation if it landed on his desk.

The TOFF lies and so does the Couching Hillbilly. Demented Donnie has been bleating for years that he is oh, so proud of appointing the Christian Nationist justices who struck down reproductive freedom. He has proposed a national abortion ban before. The only reason he is backing away from that is because only his American Taliban supporters want one.

You could lay a good bet that if he got in and a MAGA congress sent him such a bill, he would sign it in a New York second. I doubt that you'd get odd, though.

The Man Who Murdered Boeing

Stonecipher and financial vultures like him, especially Jack Welch, have destroyed some of this country's finest technology companies. May their memories be as curses.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

An Eight Day Trip to the ISS Turned Into an Eight-Month Trip, Thanks to Boeing

NASA decided Saturday it’s too risky to bring two astronauts back to Earth in Boeing’s troubled new capsule, and they’ll have to wait until next year for a ride home with SpaceX. What should have been a weeklong test flight for the pair will now last more than eight months.

I can't imagine how much this has upended their lives. Besides that, it also screws over the two astronauts who were going to ride that Dragon capsule to the ISS.

You can bet the farm that Boeing lobbied hard for NASA to fly the two astronauts back on the Starliner. Oh, they may claim they didn't and that they're good with NASA's decision, but the real world knows that's just bullshit and spin.

Boeing may fly again, but it'd be better with some crash-test dummies for the next flight.


Where there is a sunbeam, there is a cat.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Because It's Friday

Essex Valley RR

3025 is a Chinese-made locomotive, made in the late 1980s and sold new to another tourist railroad.

The Biggest Whopper Told By the TOFF

"I try and be nice to people, you know."

Of the tens of thousands of lies that he's told in the last nine years, that has to be one of the biggest lies of all.

And it is one that doesn't require expounding upon.

A Modest Proposal

It is this: Gather all the tech guys, crypto tycoons and venture capitalists in one spot on a remote deserted luxury island, ply them with liquor and cocaine, and then:


They want to "gamify" grocery shopping, with "dynamic pricing" that could change in milliseconds and even change depending on the shopper. They'd know who you are and figure that you could pay $40 for a large pack of toilet paper and the person behind you might pay $30.

None of this is good for consumers. It's all about making the population into digital serfs and permitting the corporate overlords to scrape every last sou out of our pockets.

While it may be hard to persuade people to go along with detonating some nukes to take care of these assholes, let's get a law passed that it shall be perfectly legal to sack and burn any store that employs these technologies.

I wrote this over a dozen years ago. I stand behind every word.

Bad News for Chicken and Fish

Eating more than 4oz a day increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by 15% or more.

It doesn't mean that you're going to get diabetes, of course. But if you're at risk already, why stack on the odds?

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Rotating These Down, Here

Click on the photo to read the list.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Fuck Mother Russia and All Who Support Her

Infidel 753 is reporting that the Russians allegedly took down the Fair and UNbalanced blog, and suggests that Putin's cyberpoodles are targeting bloggers that oppose his war of aggression and/or oppose the Asset's campaign.

If you're a liberal blogger, he recommends making yor password harder, turning on two-factor authentification and watch out for phishing attempts.

The American Sturmabteilung

Pro Publica has a lengthy article up about the American Brown Shirts known as the American Patriots Three Percent.

AP3, although they'd deny it, is pretty much a neo-Nazi group that desires to be an instrument for the far Right to trash American democracy and install a fascist government.

These assholes are serious and they are out LARPing with live ammunition. They are infiltrating police forces. Their only weakness seems to be that, other than playing in the woods with real guns, they couldn't organize a successful three-car parade.

But they are serious and they bear watching, closely.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Dear Online Marketing and Promotional Companies: Go Suck Off a Cape Buffalo

If you click on a link for a newsletter or information, that stuff starts appearing in your inbox in nanoseconds. But if you ask them to delete your email, they say that can take up to ten business days.

Why? Does somebody have to write the email addresses on clay tablets, bake them in a kiln, and then transport them by donkey cart to the office that does the actual task?


Where's my frigging coffee?


"Gitcher ass in gear and feeed meeeee!"

Because It's Friday

Steam switcher action at Steamtown:

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Trump Just Shat on the Medal of Honor

Speaking at a pro-Israel event Thursday, Donald Trump said the Presidential Medal of Freedom is better than the Medal of Honor. The former is the highest honor given to civilians in the United States, awarded to those who have made contributions to the United States’ security or national interests, world peace or culture. The Medal of Honor, often referred to as the “Congressional Medal of Honor,” is awarded exclusively to members of the military for acts of valor beyond the call of duty.

Trump said that the Presidential Medal of Freedom is “much better” because “everyone who gets the Congressional Medal of Honor, they’re soldiers, they’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets, or they’re dead.”

The PMoF is sometimes a political gift to toadies, as it was when Dolt-45 gave it to Gym Jordan and Devin Nunes. That cannot be said of the MoH, which is awarded to heroes, the men of whom Cadet Bone Spurs is not worthy of buffing their shoes. The sort of heroes he just denigrated.

If JD Vance had a shred of personal integrity left, he would get off his couch and go punch out the running lights of his running mate.

As to anyone who possesses a DD214 and who still supports that Senile Fat Old Draft-Dodger, I respectfully suggest that you look at his character and ask yourself why you still support that venal ancient coward.

Hey, JD, Let Me Couch This in Terms You'll Understand: Look At Who Your Running-Mate Is, Bud.

So the Faux Hillbilly is going around, slamming Gov. Watz for "stolen valor". When he's not doing that, he's complaining about Democrats engaging in name-calling.

Jeebus on a Bus, has he taken a look at the nasty old fat fuck he's running with? You know, the guy whose father allegedly paid a podiatrist to write a letter to Donnie's draft board about Donnie's alleged bone spurs so he could stay out of the Army during the Vietnam War? The guy who insults everyone and anyone who has ever opposed anything that he wants to do, beginning with Low Energy Jeb and claiming that Ben Carson was a child molester in 2016? The guy who says that he is entitled to make personal attacks?

That guy?

Something about motes and logs in people's eyes comes to mind.

A Professional Military

When the Russians aren't engaging in terrorism by targeting children's hospitals, they're shooting up their own military columns.

it's a pretty slick, move to kill your own troops and then post it on social media, as if it is something to be proud of. when that video spreads throughout Russia, as it most certainly will, it will, no doubt, be of comfort to the family who have lost their men in Putin's war of aggression.