Friday, August 16, 2024

Back in the Day, This Would Have Been Handled By a Rain of Molotov Cocktails

For the past few weeks, Randol White has been dealing with a persistent and annoying problem right outside his San Francisco condo.

"I was like, where is that coming from? And I looked down, and I was like, I think it's coming from the Waymo cars," White said.

A parking lot just outside his condo full of driverless Waymo cars has had multiple incidents where suddenly the vehicles seemingly become confused and start honking all at each other.

White says he heard it the first time about two weeks ago -- he was woken up around 4 a.m.

And the general reaction to torching a bunch of robot-cars would have been "well, whaddya'd expect would happen?" But now, people'll sic lawyers on them.

Based on how stupid these robots are, SkyNet is a long ways off.


  1. The cars are dumb, the people are stupid....
    Its the stupid people that will create skynet.


  2. Those cars have back-up drivers ~ at a call center in Sri Lanka

  3. Kill All Humans is easier than driving in SF.


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