Sunday, August 18, 2024

The American Sturmabteilung

Pro Publica has a lengthy article up about the American Brown Shirts known as the American Patriots Three Percent.

AP3, although they'd deny it, is pretty much a neo-Nazi group that desires to be an instrument for the far Right to trash American democracy and install a fascist government.

These assholes are serious and they are out LARPing with live ammunition. They are infiltrating police forces. Their only weakness seems to be that, other than playing in the woods with real guns, they couldn't organize a successful three-car parade.

But they are serious and they bear watching, closely.

1 comment:

  1. Inciting, initiating, instigating violence at otherwise peaceful though pointless protests. These are the rat-bastards who were burning up Portland a couple years ago, got a guy gunned down, trying to blame it on 'lefties' ...


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