Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Baby Bobby Gets Weirder

His independent White House campaign has fizzled, but the flow of bizarre stories of Robert F Kennedy Jr’s unorthodox handling of the carcasses of wild mammals has experienced no similar suspension.

An environmental group is calling for a federal investigation into the former presidential candidate for an episode in which he allegedly severed the head of a washed-up whale with a chainsaw – and drove home with it strapped to his car’s roof

Apparently thats rather illegal, but like his Orange Master, Wormy Bobby doesn't believe the law is something that applies to him.

1 comment:

  1. Don't hunt rabbits
    Knight was telling his players to concentrate on the important things. He said, "How many times I got to tell you? Don't fight the rabbits. Because, boys, if you fight the rabbits, the elephants are going to kill you."



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