Monday, August 19, 2024

You Know, Don't You, That He's Going to Claim That the Jews Made Him Do It.

A District of Columbia councilmember known for promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories accepted over $150,000 in bribes in exchange for pressuring D.C. employees to extend city contracts for violence intervention services, authorities alleged in court records unsealed Monday.

Trayon White Sr., a Democrat who ran an unsuccessful mayoral campaign in 2022, was arrested Sunday on a federal bribery charge and ordered released from custody after a brief court appearance Monday.
In March 2018, White posted a video on his Facebook page claiming that an unexpected snowfall was because of “the Rothschilds controlling the climate to create natural disasters.” The Rothschilds, a Jewish family that was prominent in the banking industry, are a frequent subject of conspiracy theories.

At the time, White said he was unaware that the weather-related conspiracy theory is antisemitic. A video later surfaced of White pushing a similar conspiracy theory during a meeting of top city officials. He posed a question based on the stereotypical premise that the Rothschilds controlled the World Bank and the federal government

He probably believed in MTG's space laser crackpottery, too.

Don't these idiots know how to take campaign contributions or set up a SuperPAC?

1 comment:

  1. Seems the thing.... They made me do it.
    Its the kind of thing I heard from kids when the got their asses caught.
    Its an excuse for justifying perusing a unprofitable enterprise.



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