Monday, August 19, 2024

Guess It Wasn't a Witch-Hunt, After All

George Santos, who spun lies about his life into an 11-month stint in Congress, pleaded guilty Monday to wire fraud and aggravated identity theft in a case that led to his expulsion from office and the admission that he’d allowed ambition to cloud his judgment.

The former representative, 36, is likely to spend at least six years in prison and owes more than $370,000 in restitution. His guilty plea in federal court on Long Island came weeks before the case was to go to trial. He is to remain free on bond until he is sentenced on Feb. 7.

My gut feeling is that he's going to skip the country, now that he may have somewhere to go.


  1. I just wonder how they did any of the paperwork, because to this day nobody knows what this guy's real name is.

    1. He could sign it in blood and leave his thumbprint.

  2. so a Scaramucci is 11 days and a Santos is 11 months?

  3. I still honestly think this was a "The Producers" scam. No one looks into the spending of losing political campaigns.

    "Where did I go right?" had to be his theme song as he brazened out his 15 minutes in Congress...


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