Thursday, August 15, 2024

Hey, JD, Let Me Couch This in Terms You'll Understand: Look At Who Your Running-Mate Is, Bud.

So the Faux Hillbilly is going around, slamming Gov. Watz for "stolen valor". When he's not doing that, he's complaining about Democrats engaging in name-calling.

Jeebus on a Bus, has he taken a look at the nasty old fat fuck he's running with? You know, the guy whose father allegedly paid a podiatrist to write a letter to Donnie's draft board about Donnie's alleged bone spurs so he could stay out of the Army during the Vietnam War? The guy who insults everyone and anyone who has ever opposed anything that he wants to do, beginning with Low Energy Jeb and claiming that Ben Carson was a child molester in 2016? The guy who says that he is entitled to make personal attacks?

That guy?

Something about motes and logs in people's eyes comes to mind.


  1. Whining is all they have left and they only thing he has to try to counter the stupid shit he's said the past few years. Every day, it's something else. Single women, post-menopausal women, on and on. It's just a matter of time before they unearth something with him calling women spooge receptacles. That seems to be the only thing he thinks women are good for.

  2. It is astounding how people choose options that are counter to their beliefs. Some military folks support a guy that denigrates POWs, refers to them as 'suckers and losers, and has stated he wants to 'suspend the Constitution'.
    And there are women who cheer for a guy that wants to grab their genitalia, dictate what they cannot do with their bodies, and view many of them as 'not my type'.
    And both groups will give their vote to this guy who goes against their best interests.


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