Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Modest Proposal

It is this: Gather all the tech guys, crypto tycoons and venture capitalists in one spot on a remote deserted luxury island, ply them with liquor and cocaine, and then:


They want to "gamify" grocery shopping, with "dynamic pricing" that could change in milliseconds and even change depending on the shopper. They'd know who you are and figure that you could pay $40 for a large pack of toilet paper and the person behind you might pay $30.

None of this is good for consumers. It's all about making the population into digital serfs and permitting the corporate overlords to scrape every last sou out of our pockets.

While it may be hard to persuade people to go along with detonating some nukes to take care of these assholes, let's get a law passed that it shall be perfectly legal to sack and burn any store that employs these technologies.

I wrote this over a dozen years ago. I stand behind every word.


  1. Being of the RUST contingent my attack would be to hack the shit out of any store using it. The more tech they use the more susceptable.

    Then again if they are abandoned aka blockaded that works too.

    Either way make it so unpopular they become... unpopular.


    1. Alternately, search for 'piezoelectric spark generator'. Pretty cheap, and most come with a conveniently long lead attached to the 'zappy' end. LARTs for tech!

  2. That boat that went down in Sicily. It was the perfect metaphor for tech: because it was possible it was built with a ridiculously tall (250'!) mast, an Icarus-worthy outrageous height to hull if you took a clipper ship's mast and put it on a yacht. Look:
    The waterspout came along and swatted it. All that money, position and power of its owner didn't mean shit.

    1. It was never about design. The mast height was a "I've got the biggest dick" signal.

  3. Huh. And I thought tornados/waterspouts were only attracted to mobile homes! Who knew they had it in for Wall Street types.....have at it.


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