Wednesday, August 21, 2024

MAGA, Your New Home Awaits

Russia has declared itself a “safe haven” to any “foreigners” who want to “escape” their “neoliberal” home countries.
President Vladimir Putin signed a decree this week which would allow foreign nationals into the country “outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and basic laws”.

Applicants may apply via a simplified, expedited system and can request residency if they reject their home countries’ “destructive neoliberal ideals”.

Alex Jones is thinking of going there, leaving one question: Does he need any help packing up his shit?

Go ahead, MAGA. Take your Orange God's Master up on his offer. Go. Join this pedophile. Don't let the screen door hit you on your way out. The rest of us can set up a foundation to help pay your reasonable moving expenses.

And who knows, maybe you won't get drafted into the Red Russian army.


  1. Be on the Ukraine front so fast their jet-lag'll skip ...

  2. Oh my....a right of return for those that are racially, ethnically,? assholes.

  3. I'm setting up a gofundme to provide travel funds for anyone who wants to leave. /s


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